Ahhhh, im bored so im gonna talk about this chalet. I have no idea whether it's just me but this chalet's kinda not so fun as the previous ones. Maybe it's due to the room that felt like an oven, maybe it was due to me sleeping most of the time and not going out LOL. Or maybe its due to some people there who are erm to put it crudely, fucked? Oh yah, btw yang, im sorry for screwing up your phone -_- Well, the scenery in the morning was fantastic i'd say.


Ps: Dude, you fucking suck. Your attitude fucking sucks. No wonder you have no confidence. You wanna get girls, continue dreaming. Putting on a facade in front of them doesnt work fyi. Masks never do last. Cherish your "friends" while you still have them eh. Don't show them the true you like how you have showed me.