Alright! Haven't blogged for darn long. Was too lazy luh. First things first, F*UCK both jerry and yang lin HAHA. Ahhhh, cruise was kinda fun this time round. Hanged out with cheryl and kah hui after not seeing them for such a long time and oh yes not forgetting jaycee whom i just met. He reminds me of eric, a bit gay (he kissed one of the dudes on the cheek -_____- ok luh, at least eric doesnt do tht, i THINK.), has that cheeky smile where when someone says something funny, he doesnt laugh out loud but grins at you, of course last but not least, loves to do things his own way. Almost carbon copy except that he's probably taller than eric by 15 cm? LOL. Oh. guess what, he was from acjc too. So if you want your kids to end up like them, send them to AC xD jkjk. Eh no offense to anyone mentioned in this post uh!
Did lots of drinking this time at this small little disco because apparently jaycee's a vvvvvvvvvvvip, so he can like order drinks without paying for them -.- (had pretty bad hangovers the next day ARGH! Head was spinning like crazy. Add that to the swaying of the ship and when you walk, you'd look like you're dancing -.-) anyways cheryl got drunk, she started crying and stuffs due to r/s problems. The incubus's song says it all, Love Hurts. Hmmm how true :/ Cheer up ok! Alrighty, here come the pictures!

The Dancefloor!
Oh yes, see that red shirted dude in the picture, he's the reason why i don't like clubbing(Partly because i cant dance luh ._. but that's not the point!). Trying to grind girls whenever he can. Like wtf man. Despo fucker. And he can't dance for nuts luh. He was trying to do some popping thing but he looked more like he was humping the air or something LOL! Pubbing's still the preferred choice :D

ME and KH!

3some! as wrong as that might sound HAHAHA! -.-

The Bartender!

Group Photo!